Welcome to my Website!
I guess anyone on neocities can stumble upon this. Feel free to find out about the person who wrote this.
Bullet point lists are best:
- I'm ~27 years old
- I'm a physics PhD student
- I'm gonna be married in like 2 months to the love of my life
- I love my 2 kitties: Leif and Neutrino
- I like coffee and use my espresso machine to make cocktados
- I like watching movies and playing video games
- I like going to concerts and my favorite band is Gorillaz
- Halloween is my favorite holiday
- I like going tent camping in state/national parks and hammocking, reading, and hiking in the woods.
- I am in 3 TTRPG(Table-Top Role PLaying Game) campaigns including 1 Call of Cthulu and 2 Dungeons and Dragons. Its easier to socialize when I can pretend to be someone with charisma or someone that can turn into a bear.