I like playing Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) and Call of Cthulu (CoC) with some friends. So far, here are some characters I'm playing.
The first campaign I joined was CoC. I made Frankie "the Fox" Giordano, a prohibition-era smuggler for the New York mafia bringing all kinds of drugs and alcohol from Central and South America to NYC by boat. Turns out Frankie has some family history and is part Innsmouther, meaning he would probably turn into a fish-person eventually. Thanks to a magical tattoo and needle implanted in his left hand, Frankie has a cursed way to eternal youth.
Next up is Kaw Goodleaf, the halfling Circle of the Moon Druid. Kaw saw companies come in and destroy his town, so he fought back and accessed magical powers of nature from Xarol the tree.
The most recent additiong is Tycho, the half-elf bard of the College of Spirits.
I made all my characters in heroforge as 3D models, but I'm prolly not actually gonna buy them.!